Typed by Eric Carhart, Sr.


Marlin Democrat

Marlin, Texas

Wednesday, January 3,1912

     Sunday evening at 9 o'clock at the of Mr. & Mrs. W. P. Dashiell on Norwood Street, a pretty, but quiet wedding was solemnized when their oldest daughter, Miss Dula Dashiell was married to Mr. Ernest E. Cockrell, Rev. J. W. Derign officiating. Only the family and immediate of the bride witnessed the ceremony.

     The bride never looked more beautiful in her going-away suit of brown with hat and gloves to match.

Truly it can be said that Miss Dashiell was one of Marlin's most charming young ladies, and with her goes the best wished of her many friends.

     Mr. Cockrell of a prosperous business man of Smithville, Texas, holding a position with a Texas oil company, has won many friends in the city, who extend to him the heartiest congratulations.


     After the marriage Miss Dashiell served delicious cake and fruit punch. Miss Pearlie Dashiell, sister of the bride assisted by Miss Bessie Peters, presided at the punch bowl.

     Mr. and Mrs. Cockrell left on the midnight train for San Antonio and points in Mexico. After a short time they will be at to their friends at Mission, Texas.